Sometimes suppliers will offer materials in different units of measure from the unit that you use internally for inventory control. In this case you need to convert units of measure at receipt time. Manu Online supports by allowing different units of measure on the item card - manufacturing codes tab, and this will be used in purchasing. By default purchase documents will show both the manufacturers code and your own code, so that the information is clear to everyone.
Set up on the item card
In this example, a component (a 10 K resistor in electronics) is purchased in boxes of 200. However for internal inventory and bill of materials, it is used as "pc" - piece.
Set the unit of measure to be piece and on the Manufacturer code tab set the manufacturer and the manufacturer's part number.
Pay attention to the unit and the unit scaling. In this case these are set as "box" and "200".
On the purchase order
Create a purchase order in the way that you normally use. If the linkage between supplier and manfuacturers is set up correctly then it will automatically add the manufacturer's part number to the line details. If not then it can be added manually. Note that the entered purchase order quantity is in your internal units.
The purchase order will have text of both quanities: