The concept of a buffer work order is to drive extra demand into planning, so demand that does not have sales orders or higher level production work orders. It is a way to "pad" planning for extra materials, particularly purchase materials in the system. It is a more advance feature than for instance setting a minimum free stock level for an item.
The scheduling logic in Manu Online handles buffer work orders differently. If a material is allocated to a buffer work order (either in stock or on and in-bound purchase order) then it can be reallocated to any normal demand. In this way a buffer work order will trigger more purchasing for items than are required to meet normal demand, but will not hold on to that demand if some other product needs it.
A buffer work order is any production work order with a priority of less than 10.
To use the buffer work order feature, first set up a suitable manufactured product (or products) and then create the buffer work order or orders.
Creating a manufactured product to use for buffer work orders
It is recommended to create one or more manufactured items to use exclusively for buffer work orders. The reason not to use a normal product is to avoid any sales orders being allocated to buffer work orders.
After creating the new item, change it to manufacturing and add a product structure of items that you need to buffer. Note that it is possible to add sub assemblies if you want simplify the number of items that are added to the product's structure.
Create a buffer work order
Consider first how to set up a product that is suitable to use as a buffer work order. Read more below about this.
Just create a normal work order and set its priority to for instance 5.
Perhaps change the work order number to clarify that this is a buffer work order.
You do not need to close buffer work orders, but for good housekeeping it can be wise to review the design of buffer work orders once a year to take account of changes in your business such as new products, changes in customer demand etc.
Viewing demand from buffer work orders
Buffer work orders will create demand for purchasing just like any other work order. This demand can be used by the different tools and reports that use demand such as multiple purchase order creation. If a buffer work order contains manufactured items such as products or subassemblies then it will also generate purchase planning for the lower levels.
The item card Status - Summary tab for a purchased item shows the demand from buffer work orders.
- Total quantity - the total quantity physically in the stock location
- Planned requirements - the quantity planned for sales orders or higher level production work orders
- Planned for buffer - the quantity planned for buffer work orders
- Free in stock - Total quantity less the planned requirements (ignoring buffer work order planning)