When a purchase order has been activated, the system is ready to create a receive operation for the items on the purchase order.
A single receipt may include lines from multiple purchase orders from the same supplier. However, note that only one receipt can later be linked to a purchase invoice. Generally it is wise not to combine different orders if the supplier is sending items with different dispatch papers, as this would indicate that they may later be invoicing the shipments separately.
Receipt quantities can be less than the order quantity and alternatively greater than the order quantity. If the quantity is less, the user has the option to close the purchase order lines if the missing quantity is not relevant. For greater quantities the lines will be closed, but at invoicing time the receipt quantity will be used for invoice matching.
The following optional license modules affect receipt (See the Admin->Licensing section for more details):
Serial number and lot tracking | If an item is marked with serial number tracking, then it will not be possible to complete the receive until the necessary numbers are either created or allocated. |
Multilocation inventory | Receive can be made into other locations than the default location. |
It’s possible to create a new receipt for purchased items in several ways:
- Click the New receipt button on the Warehouse home menu
- Select a purchase order from the receive order grid on Warehouse home. This will populate the receipt with the open lines of the purchase order.
- Click the New button on the Warehouse menu when the Operations dashboard is open and the receiving grid is selected.
- Click the New button on an existing receipt. If the existing receipt is not complete it will prompt you if you want to complete it or not. You will then be prompted to optionally enter a purchase order number. If this is entered the system will prefill the receipt with the necessary data from the purchase order including any open lines.
Entering data
Complete the header data and add the necessary lines. If the order was selected when the receipt was created the lines may already be present, but the quantities should be checked against actual. It is not important in which order data is entered, however the supplier must be selected before any lines can be added.
The supplier popup shows the list of suppliers that have any active or part received purchase orders. Click the [-] next to the supplier field. It is also possible to type in the supplier id directly if it is known.
Receipt number | This will be allocated when the receipt is completed. |
Dispatch number | Enter the supplier’s dispatch number. It will later be displayed in the screens for entering a purchase invoice so that the invoice can be matched to the receipt more easily. |
Billing of lading nbr. | Optional data. |
Receipt date | If not entered will default to present day when the receipt is completed. |
Deliver To | This is the address to which items should be delivered if the optional multiple inventory locations are in use |
Material on hold | Marks the receipt as on hold, which prevents it being completed. |
Supplier family | Shows the family of the supplier as set on the partner card. Useful information if, for instance, inspection procedures are to be set by family. |
Comments | Internal comments |
To add lines to the receipt click the Add lines button which will open a popup listing the open lines for this supplier. It is possible to enter filter criteria if the list is long. Click Add all or select the relevant lines and click Add selected which will close the popup
The system will add the lines with the open quantity. If the supplier has not supplied all that is on order, or even has supplied more than ordered, then change the quantity by clicking the number in the Received column, edit it and then click the green tick mark to save.
It is also possible to use the Read barcode popup if a barcode reader is available and the supplier has stored some of the relevant numbers as barcode. The barcode reader is simply working as a keyboard replacement in this case.
Entering serial numbers and lot numbers
If the item is marked as requiring serial numbers or lot numbers, this data needs to be entered before the receipt can be completed. Tabs for either serial numbers or lot numbers will appear.
First select the product for which the numbers will be added.
Serial numbers can be entered either by entering the data and pressing add (i.e. reading the serial number from the item itself) or by using the Autonumber feature which will create numbers for all items based in the number series set in system settings.
Serial numbers can be entered with a bar code reader.
First select the items for which lot numbers should be added. Enter the quantity of the lot, the lot number, start date and optionally comments and the due by date. Press Add.
Note that items from the same lot may already have been received. In this case enter the data to the updated lots grid.
Work order needs
If there are work orders that have been allocated items on this receipt, this is shown on the Work order needs tab. This is just an advisory to the person making the receipt that it might be preferencial to take the materials directly to the work order rather than shelving them in inventory.
Completing the receipt
Click the Complete button to complete the receipt. This will do the following before returning to the main menu:
- check all necessary data is present,
- set the date to today if it is not already set
- make the necessary stock entries for the received items
- Mark the purchase order(s) and their lines as either complete or part received
By pressing the New button, the system will prompt if you want to complete the current receipt or not. Then it will prompt for (optionally) a purchase order number. If receiving shipments in sequence, it will be less work to use the New button rather than the Complete button.
Purchase invoicing
When a supplier sends an invoice this will be connected to the receipts that have been completed. In this way it can be ensured that each invoice is for valid receipts and that the prices charged correspond with the original purchase order. If the receipt has been connected to an invoice this information will be displayed on a tab of the receipt.
Statuses of a receipt
The status of a receive operation can be:
Under construction | Receive has been created but not yet closed. Inventory transfers have not been made. All information can be modified. |
Invoice queue | The receive operation has been closed. No information can be edited. The received quantities can be included in purchase invoicing. |
Part invoiced | A part of the quantities have been invoiced. |
Complete | All the dispatched quantities have been invoiced. |