Purchase and manufacturing requirements created by a sales order
Check the purchase and manufacture requirements created by an individual activated sales order from the ‘Sales order material needs’ and ‘Sales order planned operations’ reports. The first one shows all the purchase needs and the other one the manufacturer requirements calculated from product and material stock quantities and product structures.
All the quantities shown are quantities that are allocated to the selected sales order. Thus ‘Sales order planned operations’ can also include work orders that have already been started. Part of their products have been allocated to the sales order just activated.
Sales order scheduling and rescheduling
Sales orders are scheduled when activated on a "backwards scheduling" system. This means that the planning for all purchasing and manufacturing is created working backwards from the promised delivery date of the line. By default, the scheduling works on a first come-first serve basis so that orders are scheduled as they are entered and are not changed even when an earlier order is entered.
It is possible to reschedule sales orders and their requirements at a later date. See chapter on ‘Other operations’ for details.
Sales orders and resource planning
Sales orders are one of the driving forces for the resource planning system. When a sales order is activated then the items required to meet this demand for each individual line are scheduled and allocated. Stockable items such as materials and subassemblies are either allocated to a specific sales order line or are unallocated. This applies whether they are in stock or in a work order in production. If the item does not exist at all, then a plan for creating it is made.
By activating a sales order, this allocation process is run. Note that sales order allocation occurs on a first-come-first-served basis, and it is a benefit of this system that the allocations are not changed by the system throughout the life of the sales order. If it is needed to change the allocations of sales orders then it is possible to reschedule certain sales orders from the planning main menu. This will allow the priority of sales orders to be changed from the first-come-first-served basis to a priority specified by the user. The scheduling system also includes an option to reschedule orders at night based on required date order.