Advance payment (also called Prepayments or stage payments or payment schedules) can either be specified at the line or order level.
To specify it at the order level, set the option "Use payment schedule" on the header. After the order is saved a new tab will appear for payment schedules to be entered.
The trigger can either be Date or On activation. This will be the time when the invoice is queued for creation in the invoice section.
Note that the amount can be set as either a percentage of the order value or as a fixed sum. The choice is set on the header tab.
To specify by line go to the Advance tab under Line details and press the [Invoicing] button. Press [New] to create a new payment line. Fill in the date when it should be invoiced and the net amount. The amount is specified either as a percentage or as money depending if the percentage check box is marked. It is possible to specify a different invoice address than for the header by pressing the [-] button under Invoicing company. The invoice will appear in the lists of invoices to be created in the Invoice section if the date is exceeded and the Ok to invoice check box is selected. There is also a comment field.
Advance invoicing information is printed on the sales order confirmation and also on each invoice generated from the order.
When the product is shipped, the shipping process will generate a requirement to invoice the balance of the line value.