Manu Online is a multi-currency system. When orders and invoices are entered to the system the current currency rate between the order currency and the home currency of the "principle" company is set automatically. It can be viewed from the header of the forms.
Where does the currency rate come from?
The rate is retrieved from an external provider called The rate is retrieved when the e.g. sales order created. The rate is the day rate for the currency.
When is the currency rate set?
The currency rate is set when the currency is selected in an order. This normally happens when the partner is selected because this comes from the default on the partner card.
Can the currency rate be set manually?
The rate can be set manually. But note on purchase orders a new rate will be set for landed cost when the goods are received.
Exporting invoices to an external accounts system
Normally the rate mechanism of the accounts system will be used.
Currency rates in the Multi Company Edition
If your account is the Multi Company Edition, each company has its own home currency. The home currency is set when the company is added to the system and must not be changed after going live.
In this way there can be many "home" currencies in a system.
Inventory valuations are always in the home currency of the company to which a stock location belongs.