Integrate Manu Online to your QuickBooks account.
For release 2025 Q1
Manu Online Intuit QuickBooks Integration
The Manu Online Intuit QuickBooks integration connects Manu Online with Intuit QuickBooks. The main function is to bring sales invoices to QuickBooks from Manu Online, which includes bringing partners and items with them. However, there is also the possibility to only sync partners (both directions) if Sales invoices in Manu Online are not being used.
To get started with the integration, you need to have a QuickBooks Account, and either order a new Manu Online account or have an existing account to connect to.
If not already enabled, Manu Online support will enable the QuickBooks integration and the connection can be done either from the QuickBooks marketplace or from the configuration page in Manu Online Public Apps.
The connection setup is done from the Manu Online configuration page found in Manu Online under Admin -> Public Apps -> QuickBooks
Manu Online Connection page
To configure the connection from Manu Online, navigate to the QuickBooks configuration page, found in Admin -> Public Apps
Once you have opened the configuration page, authorize the integration to connect to your Manu Online account (you’ll need to log in here)
Then authorize the integration to connect to QuickBooks with the “Connect to QuickBooks” button. (authorization to Intuit is needed here). If you have multicompany enabled in QuickBooks you will be prompted to select the company here.
Once connected, you can choose which items to synchronize – note you can either choose to synchronize partners (to or from QuickBooks) or to synchronize sales orders – this also includes the one way synchronization of partners and items.
At this point it is a good idea to also import your partners, accounts and tax codes from QuickBooks into Manu online.
Multi-Company Setup
There are 2 types of multicompany supported by the Manu Online QuickBooks Integration.
Multi-Company in Manu Online
If you have a multi-company setup in Manu Online, all your companies will appear as cards on the configuration screen. Each of these cards has a connect to QuickBooks button, and can be connected to an individual QuickBooks account or specific company.
Multi-Company in QuickBooks
If your company has separations in QuickBooks, you can choose these from the dropdown list on the company setup page. This allows you to map the company in QuickBooks that synchronizations from the Manu Online company you have selected connect to.
Invoice Synchronization
To synchronize and invoice, first create the invoice in the standard Manu Online way. If the invoice synchronization is turned on, the invoice will be automatically sent to QuickBooks. If the partner and items included in the invoice are not already present in QuickBooks, they will also be sent in the same transfer.
If you wish to remove the connection from Manu Online to QuickBooks, there are 2 simple procedures to do this.
Disconnection from Manu Online QuickBooks configuration screen
To disconnect a QuickBooks account from Manu online, simply choose the relevant company and press the “Disconnect from QuickBooks” button. This will remove the connection and any synchronization information but will not remove your data in either Manu Online or QuickBooks. Mapping data is also preserved, so that if you choose to reconnect QuickBooks, then the mappings will still be present. If you are changing the QuickBooks account you are syncing to, please contact Manu Online to get the mapping data cleared.
Disconnection from QuickBooks App Disconnect
To disconnect via the QuickBooks app disconnect screen, navigate to Apps and click the more (3 dots) on the Manu Online app. Choose Disconnect:
Once you have clicked disconnect, you will be redirected to a confirmation screen, which will disconnect the app connections and remove it from your QuickBooks account. You can reconnect using the same procedure outlined about in the connection section.